Implant Dentistry Fee Guide
Implant system used: Nobel Biocare Conical Connection
Implant consultation – (Inclusive of Xrays)
CBCT Scan – (payable to scanning centre)
CBCT report – (if report required to be reported by radiologist)
Implant Placement*
Ethoss Bone Graft
Complex Bone Graft GBR – (Bio-oss + Resorbable Membrane)
Complex 2 stage Bone Gradt GBR (Bio-oss + Non Resorbable Membrane)
Implant Abutment & Restoration – (custom porcelain crown)
Implant Extraction
£250.00 – £300.00
*(Inclusive of study models and wax up, to predict tooth position, surgical stent, medication & all components & healing review)
Example Treatment Plan
Fully inclusive Cost (all stages) of restored Nobel Biocare dental implant (where no grafting required)
Surgical Placement
Restoration (including crown, screws, custom or standard abutment)